Impressive for the finale...but lacks all the playable characters in budokai tenkaichi 2 (PS2)
User Rating: 6.5 | Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi X360
The game overall is impressive. The graphics is stunning,the moves are epic. However,the bad thing about it is that when fighting,your character always ends up in the same spot no matter how far you go after using a super attack (eg. Kamehameha).Other characters(Goten,Kid Trunks,Hercule,Goku(Super Saiyan 4),Vegeta(Super Sayan 4),Great Saiyaman,etc.) are missing and I really miss them. True,some of them are weak while others are just over-powering,but that is just the game...It adds humour and skill to the players.... But on the bright side,Hero Mode is a positive side as it creates your own saiyan to play.... But its a major challenge to train it over a long period of time.... But you can use a lot of the popular skills from famous characters. Overall,I give it a 6.5 because of the cons I mentioned.