It's not a great game. No where close.... But it is a fun game...

User Rating: 4 | Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi X360
Like every other DBZ fan boy you can bet i was into this game like a shot. Screw the reviews and haters, I wanted DBZ here and now.
problem was i didn't really get a dragonball game...

See what i mean is that this game was just like the anime, it was just soo great to watch! the visuals are by far the best i've ever seen for DB!
But the game featured a brand new battle system that simply put let it down. There was real thought put into it, and i really liked the idea but but in the end it was literally a case of play one fight and you've seen 'em all. Everyone fights the same. All the time. Every time.

Forgetting this for a second, the story was by far the highlight for me. It was just beautiful! i couldn't even believe how great the cutscenes were! It felt like I was watching DBZ again! and the DragonBall Kai footage as well was such a great touch. But the cutscenes were too good compared to the fighting system.

I didn't enjoy the fight, i just wanted to get it over with just to see the next scene and when a game makes you want to watch instead of play ... well thats just not a game to me.

I think one of the biggest problems with the "luck" system is the CPU intelligence. I tried this trick out on both story mode (whatever difficulty!) and hero mode, and you will win everytime: but note: this will take the fun out of the game much quicker.

***when you clash always go for the "Y" button, everytime you clash, but when they clash with you, always go for the "X" everytime. But wait the COM has seen through this and is guarding Y! Just go for "X" each time and Y when they clash. ***

This beat all, yes ALL the story battles and Kicked Piccolo and Omega Shenron's arse up and down. As a gamer I think it's just pathetic. If they had Raging Blasts battle system this game would have been absolutely epic.

But here's the clincher.

I had fun playing this game. And All the while I was having fun I really really loved it. If you get this game you will have fun on it .. Problem is, when the fun runs out (and it will) you will never give this game another look.

So I would recommend playing the game, but i would also recommend renting it or borrowing off a mate. It's really not worth the £40 odd

Haha. I just realised. This game is dynasty warriors! you either love it or hate it xD