It is a good game but it is very easy.
User Rating: 8 | Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi X360
It is a good game but it is very easy. I have gotten a perfect in combat while staring at the wall behind me (I know I have no life ha-ha) All you do is hit one button repeatedly. I like the combat system overall and love the hero mode. Do not listen to the other reviews. i read them all and they lie. It is a very good game and overall it is fun. I am very disappointed in the charter roaster tho and it looks like they were just to lazy to add more charters. They do not even have normal teen gohan just ssj1 and ssj2. The graphics are amazing and really surprised with hero mode. it is not what i expected and amazing. I have not played story mode that much because they shoved to many fights into it. In the frieza saga you fight recome as vegata. then you fight him as goku. then you fight burter. then jeice. I stopped there because i really don't want to go fight frieza in his first form as krillin. then picalo. then gohan. then repeat the same thing for all of his forms.