Fun but lacking substance
User Rating: 6 | Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi X360
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi has it's good points and it's lows. As far as graphics, sound, and the story goes, it is superb. It pretty much goes along word for word with the entire saga (even though portions of it was summed up with a paragraph rather than a cinimatic moment). The big problems with this game are one : Not enough Characters or costumes. Most of the one's you get are identical to eachother. I was expecting way more. Super trunks in the sayin armor, master roshii, both were forgotten in this, but still there is hope for a DLC. Second : The moves are the same for every character. Now granted, all the special moves are unique, but any of the hand to hand combat/combos are all the same. While it develops a certain rhythm, it grows very dull after a few hours. Still, there is satisfaction in this game. All the original characters are still there, so you can spend countless hours playing classic matchups like SS Goku v.s. Freiza on ruined planet namek. The old DBZ games for the Wii were a lot better. Ultimate Tenkaichi did not fully live up to it's predocessor, that's why I rated it fair