Reaking of lazy game design this game is a complete letdown
For starters the new fighting system is just bad, it's all based on quick time events you just can't do what you want when you want and because of that it makes for a bad experiance as far as gameplay goes. Against computers most have a pattern that you can figure out in a short time, aginst players it becomes a chore even to do the most basic combo. The controls also feel stiff quick time events based on timing are the worst cause of input lag, combined with the amount of persision you need makes it less hard and more unfair and broken.
Visioually the game looks good the new destructable enviroments look nice but the appeal of it will quickly go away. Character transformations are an enigma because you can tell it's directly ripped from DBZ: Raging Blast 2, as the quality drops, which is small but it highlights how the game feels like effort was just lacking.
The music is passable but not good unlike most of the DBZ games having a rocking soundtrack and a catchy opeaning theam. Ultimate Tenkaiechi uses the standared Cha-la-head-cha-la opeaning from the show which some might say it's a good refrence to the show, it feels more like lazyness at them not wanting to make a new theam song for the game.
The story is basically a lose retelling of the Dragonball Z story but with less charm and some terrible lip synching CG scenes. While updated anime scenes are rare they are relly well done even if i wish they had the origional english dub voice actors which is sad. Although i will commend that it has the first real story mode in a DBZ game in a while. The Hero mode story fairs better as it's pretty much obvious that it's not supposed to be taken seriously as characters act somewhat random and gennerally bizzare it's enjoyable.
One final thing i must address is the character selection having one of the saddist and downright bizzare character selections i've ever seen in a DBZ game, lacking cool characters that many want in such as Future Gohan, Evil buu, and Nail. As well as lacking a good number of characters that never should have been removed to begin with such as Sword trunks, Cooler, Guldo, Adult Gohan, and Android 13. As for the aformentioned character creator, it's not very good you can only make 3 characters of each body type and it's not very expansive with you only being able to make saians which makes sence for hero mode story purposes, but from a gameplay standpoint it seems sad.
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi was a let down in every respect i have distinct memories of myself and my friend going WTF at the game when playing it. Plagued by a broken fighting system, terrible character roster, and all around lazy game design i recommend don't do what i do and spend your $60 on something better, like DBZ: Boutakai Tenkaichi 3 or DBZ: Raging Blast 2 any Dragonball Z fan like myself will definatlly get more fun out of those games then this mess of a game that makes me realize why people complain about DBZ games.
Final score: 5.5 (don't even bother)