Perfect, every replay is like playing a new game.

User Rating: 10 | Dragon Quest III GBC
I have played this game over 30 times never had the same exact team turn out. From what starts out as a child searching for their father turns out to be a long journey of friendship, endurance and growth. RPG lovers its a must play. This game makes all adventure stories become chumps. Turely a jewel for its time. Currently games are made with great graphics and with lukewarm stories. But this game shows the shear power of games to create lore of which make a game great and not the graphics. Play it, you'll love it. Be it the characters you journey with or if you solo the game with out help; the possiblities are almost endless in DRAGON WARRIO III.
All thats left is to play and love. Everything in this game makes me love it be the equipment changing sprites, special ablility items, class job changing, indepth dungens, and finally tons of things to do after the story is complete.