sorry if my old review made you buy this but this game is horrible boring every level is the same no fun i hate it!!!

User Rating: 6.5 | Dragon Quest IX: Hoshizora no Mamoribito DS
Allot of other games tutorials or boring but this one is cool and interesting the story line is cool and fun to think about. It is a little slow in the beginning but speeds up towards the middle of the game the fighting is a little easy once you make a strategy but the bosses just get tougher and tougher again like most games. The create your own avatar is true but choosing to wear a poncho is not true (from the advertising) it only lets you choose from 1 suit to wear. Fighting is mostly auto you can choose examine flee attack etc.... if you click examine it tells you the enemies move, If you click Flee it will either say (your name)... which means the enemy blocked you or (your name), which means you got away, If you choose Fight you come to another menu which said Attack, Spells, Abilities, cour de grac which lets you do special moves. The monsters are bad they are always the same thing except its now a fire or ice or sand or something.
I hope this review is helpful :).