This game brings back the joy of the old school gbc dragon quest games.
User Rating: 9.6 | Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker DS
When i first heard that this game was ganna come out on my favorite system i wanted to cry. Its been over 7 years that square enix has release a dragon warrior / quest monster game. Infact, the last one to come out was dragon warrior 2: Coby's Adventure and it was one of the best games that i had ever played and it still is. Although many people told me that this was a crappy imitation of pokemon, i ended up liking it more than any other pokemon game that i've ever played. C'mon, you get to have up to 3 monsters out in the field at once and you get to keep 8 magic attacks not like in pokemon where you only get to have one 1 monster in the field and only get to keep 4 magic attacks. I'm not saying that pokemon sucks, i'm just saying that i'll rather play this awesome game anytime anywhere over pokemon. And whats cool is that this new dragon quest for the nds features 3D graphics and old school enhance music. AWESOME!!! I freaken love their creepy little song that they had for the gameboy color games. I can't wait till it comes out in english. I heard someone say, "I'll killed anybody in order to get this game" and thats exactly how i'm feeling right now.