overly simplistic gameplay, unresponsive controls, not really an RPG more an action adventure.

User Rating: 5.5 | Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors WII
I love RPGs with all the item gathering, questing, party building, combat and story. What you get in Dragon Quest Swords - The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors is only a simplified version of a "normal" RPG.
Not much item gathering to do. You get minerals for upgrading your sword(s), gold and mini medals to buy items. In chapter 6 a traveling merchant brings more interesting (and costly) items to town, which makes you re-play some of the already completed areas for gold and some items you need to fully upgrade your sword.
party building is nowhere to be found as you can only take one person with you on a quest.
the combat is the most fun and the most frustrating aspect of the game. if only your wii-mote waggling would translate 100% (or even just 95%) of the time. but instead you get the most frustrating controls I have even had during gameplay. you do a vertical slash and it translates as horizontal and vice versa. you're lucky when diagonal works once during fighting. mostly it's just insane waggling and hoping to dispose of enemies quickly.
with the A button you can click at a specific point on screen where you slashes will center. but even then verticals turn into horizontals. the fighting controls are a mess.
walking around with the D-pad is not much better. running (up on the D-pad while pressing the B button) will have you cramping your hand in no time.
the story is one cliche after the next, with some voice acting here and there.
overall the game has no appeal let alone lasting appeal. I played for 11 hours, which only took me that long because I wanted to get the money/minerals for the best equipment and upgraded sword(s) before disposing of the final boss. you can end this game in less than 8 hours. difficulty is ridiculously easy until the last 2 areas. without the proper tools the main boss will be quite hard to dispose of. but after I got the equipment I wanted I just walked through that level and disposed of him in one go.