Good points and bad...

User Rating: 7 | Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors WII
It starts out and you think "omg more shovel ware", but wait....

This game looks bad and sounds bad at first, but the battles are very fun and immersive and tactical. Like if you let something hit the side of your shield instead of the middle it will crack in that spot or even break like a real shield could.

It's fun little game that keeps you interested despite its lack of graphical and low quality sounding sound effects (like footsteps on stairs). Really I must be truthful, this game is much more fun that it looks. Play it for about 5 or 10 minutes and youll be asking yourself where the time went! Fun!

And the boss fights are will test your skill! Instead of everyother boss fight in most RPG's, you have to be perceptive, not just hack and slash your way through.

Plus, not all enemies can be reached by you, you must sometimes save your magic skills and use them for long range enemies! If your outta magic and have long range enemiy you may be screwed! lol.

So in a way it is sort of immersive! And I like the story so far. The story takes you adventuring all over. Good fun!