Due to DW 7 release date, the game got overlooked and neglected by many but any true RPG gamer should give this a shot.

User Rating: 8.8 | Dragon Quest VII: Eden no Senshi-tachi PS
Dragon Warrior 7 was the 1st new Dragon Warrior within the main series to be released in the states since Dragon Warrior 4 on the NES (not counting the remakes on Gameboy). This Dragon Warrior game introduced the 1st type of 3D elements in a DW game but also presented quite a bit of 2D elements. Graphics is definately not this games strong point. Good ol' solid gameplay is where this game shines hardest. The story isn't entirely original but shows some unique plots and twists along the way. This game isn't flashy and doesn't display cut scene after cutscene but that doesn't necessarily mean this game is terrible. I am a true believer in gameplay and your are looking at 80 to 100 hours of total gameplay.

Alot of aspects in this game is nothing new to the seies. The job class system is something that was intruduced in DW 3 on the NES. Although the job class system isn't new, in this game it has been re-amped. The battle system is your traditional zoom into battle, turn-base and gain EXP and Gold to advance to the next level. A lot of old monsters in this game makes their return from previous games in the series. The story is pretty simple but will have you guessing what is going on for the 1st 25% of the game. The more you play, the more of whats behind everything will reveal itself. The idea of going back in time to determine what is the cause of the world's many lands disappearance and fix the problem to make the land reappear in the present is an excellent idea and that aspect is kind of unique.

Due to the time of release it was too little too late for this game. Being released during the PS2 launch time period was not a good idea. If this game was released say 3 to 5 years prior it would of appealed to many. I have followed this series since its beginning and even with the downsides this game is still excellent and I reccommend this title to anyone who plays RPGs.