Summary, eh? OK, basically, graphics aren't Halflife 2 quality, but you shouldn't care. The game rocks.

User Rating: 8.9 | Dragon Quest VII: Eden no Senshi-tachi PS
The first time you play this game, you'll start off by saying to yourself, "Jesus! These graphics blow!" But after 10 hours of playing, you know it's awesome. It's so absolutely chock full of charm, and wonderful gameplay, you'll overlook the graphics and want to stay home from school and play for hours on end (which I actually did one day). In all seriousness, I think I have to get down to rating the different categories for this game. First up, because I want to get it out of the way, is the graphics. OK, I get it, the game looks like something back from the NES days. Get. Over. It. Graphics don't make the game, it's simply a perk if it's pretty to look at. I give the graphics a 6/10, because the battle animations and look of the monsters makes up for everything else. Next up, is gameplay. I don't really know how to define "gameplay" so I'll just talk about a bunch of random stuff that's awesome about the game. The job/class system is always my favorite part of any RPG which features it, and Dragon Warrior VII does not dissapoint when it comes to this thing that I love so very, very much. Not only are there numerous classes and special techniques/spells/attributes for each one, but once you master different combinations of classes, you can unlock new, more powerful classes. This means that you can have someone master the warrior class, then the mage class, and you get to turn them into a Paladin. This feature alone provides for damn near unlimited replay value. The plot is very interesting and will keep you pre-occupied for a long time. Actually, so will the game it self. It's really, really long. Anyway, the beginning of the game starts with your character and his friends discovering a mysterious temple that sends them to strange lands. When they are sent to these strange places, they must interact with the locals and solve whatever problem they are having. In one town, someone has been turned to stone by a mysterious monster, and you have to find the cure. In another place, you must escort a group of villagers to a temple. Each island has it's own story. When you complete the journey for that island, you are transported back to your own world, to find that that island has somehow appeared on your map. This island, strangely enough, is in a different time period than the one you were just in... Hmm... The story does not live up to that of an epic novel, but in all honesty, has any game ever done that? Last, I'll address the "tilt" of the game. Yes, I know I'm ripping this category from GameSpot. Now, I've played games and beaten them for the sake of doing just that. Not really for fun. When I played this game, however, I wanted to go through and do everthing I could before beating it, because I honestly enjoyed playing it! The tilt gets a 10/10. I may have skipped several categories, but this review is already too long, so I'll get to the conclusion. People talk about games that grab you because when you play, you feel like you are doing something for a larger cause. I haven't played a game that does this more than DW VII. If you have the money, which you probably do, you could find this game for 15 bucks somewhere, I highly reccomend you buy it. By the way, Gamespot's score for this game is stupid. It shouldn't get a score of 7 just because of bad graphics and sub-par sound. Gameplay, value, and tilt are much more important. Who plays a game for the graphics, and not the actual fun you get out of it?