Good but its no Final Fantasy

User Rating: 7.2 | Dragon Quest VII: Eden no Senshi-tachi PS
Dragon Warrior is an RPG from Enix, now SquareEnix, the company that brought us some amazing games on the last generation of games (namely the SNES). But there are some problems that this game suffers in spades.

First, this game came out 3 years after Final Fantasy VIII, and 4 years after Final Fantasy VII so why are the graphics so last gen? There is very little animation in battle so fighting seems kinda bland. Moving around the world reminds me of Paper Mario, except PM looked so much better. Second, the game can get very frustrating some times. If there's one thing i hate in RPGs its having to run around every town talking to everyone because there are unclear or no mission objectives. The first two hours of the game are so boring because you are never really told where to go. You have to run between your home town and the castle town a million times before anything happens.

The are some redeeming qualities about this game. First, it can get very addicting. The story is intriguing and keeps you satisfied all the way to the end. Also, this game is long. Very long. So you definitely get your money's worth.

This is a very good game if you have a lot of patience and spare time. The story and puzzle-solving elements will keep you busy if you have the ability to sit through one of these kinds of RPGs.