Dragon warrior is about a fisherman's son that likes to play by a forbidden ruin that has a door that will not open, he plays with his two friends keifer and maribel. The story takes place on an island called estard which is in fact the only part of the world, people sail the seas in search for another island or continent but one is never found.There are 4 places on estard, there is the town of fishbel, Estard castle,the forbidden ruin and a house in the middle of the woods with a guy that loves animals.One day the hero and keifer find out how to open the ruins,and find out about 4 saints that fought off monsters that are no more, in the heroes time,kiefer and the hero explore the ruins, they then find 4 rooms with 5 same colored altars in each room(one room has 5 blue altars another red,ect.)the altars have a blurry picture on it, and the hero and co. have to find pieces of stone that will fit on each altar, once one altar is finished the hero and friends get transported to another time where they are transported to an island that wasnt there before, and monsters that lurk the islands,but only the islands set in the past,if the hero goes to an island in present time he will not bump into monsters.
The first time i played this game i didn't like it because i didn't know what to do,after i started to play dragon quest 8, i gave dragon warrior 7 one more chance, now i like it but not that much though, the gameplay is okay but the battle system stinks all it does is show the monsters, you don't get to see the heroes fight just swoops and magic fireballs that come out of no where, i think it is just wrong of them to not show the heroes fight, so i think the battles aren't to fun, the graphics are good, the sound is okay, actually i love the storyline i think it's so cool that they go in the past and see how much different things were like a village that isn't in the present time anymore and how much things change.
Dragon warrior 7 is an rpg if you like rpg's you might consider dw7.
Other Helpful Reviews for Dragon Quest VII: Eden no Senshi-tachi
I didn't like this game at all when I first played it. The graphics were crappy the music wasn't much better and I was the cliche'd silent protagonist. I however was totally not ready for what this game did to me. It som... Read Full Review
A huge success under the Dragon Quest name in Japan, the Dragon Warrior series was a little more of a cult title in the US. Dragon Warrior VII is an example of how the Square/Enix merger made such great sense, because th... Read Full Review