
User Rating: 9 | Dragon Quest VIII: Sora to Umi to Daichi to Norowareshi Himegimi PS2
What makes a good RPG? What is an RPG all about? Do RPG’s need to be new and innovating to be one of the most enjoyable? Dragon Quest 8 finally answers all these questions, and it does a lot more then that!

It might not redefine the RPG Genre, but it certainly obliterates any other competition, but how does it do that? A lot of it heavily relies on the games vivid presentation. From lush menus, to interesting NPC’s, to an overworld bigger then some MMORPG’s, Dragon Quest 8 dominates in presentation. Never before have I seen a game so well presented, that you almost become attached to the world a few minutes into the game. Even RPG pessimists will find it hard to turn down this game’s outmost charm.

And this charm originates at characters. Indeed, Dragon Quest 8 doesn’t over your grand, brain exploding, complicated, twists every five seconds, story, but rather a more simplified story. Now how could all this keep you attached? Throughout the game the player is introduced to some of the most unique characters, with wide, loveable personalities, and voices that fit. I have never, in any RPG, seen a game where just about EVERY NPC interests me, not to mention the main cast as well. Each character might not have a tremendous back story, but instead, the focus is more on who they are. At any time you can push the start button and engage in conversations with your allies. This tells A LOT about them!

This stunning story can only be backed up by excellent graphics. From what I’ve seen so far, this game COULDN’T look bad. The overworld looks so stunning in fact, that it alone can make the game feel epic. Towns are decorated with all sorts of things, and the dungeons are dark, damp, and creepy. Character models are among the best, but of course that was expected! And we finally see some facial expressions! Cute little things like Yangus picking his nose just add some touch to the game. Although at times there can be some slow downs while roaming the world, these are few and hardly noticeable.

The graphics are accompanied by orchestral music. From the tracks I’ve heard, I can’t say they are the best, but they defiantly fit the theme. Did I mention the voice acting in this game is perfect? Yes, one of the few RPG’s to succeed!

Dragon Quest 8 can only be described at “Phenomenal” so far, and is defiantly to be awarded “RPG of the Year”, and is even a contender for “Best RPG this Generation”. This game should be recommended to anyone interested in RPG’s, or anyone looking for a good one.