Dragon Quest 8 stands as a true and definite RPG that will be remembered for long to come both in our hearts and minds..
Most RPG's are known for their story and this is were DQ8 shows that's it's not at very the level of game like FFX. The story is, for the most part, boooring and does not provide enoughh stuff to keep some even remotely interested. The main charecter does not talk and seems like an idiot when everybody bosses him around and insults him. WHen the game asks you to say yes or no to a specific request from a story charecter, you have to do it even if yous ay no. It seems pretty cheap and makes the story that much more frustrating to deal with.
In all it's a good game that provides a great experience and there are a bunch of extra dungeons and minigames for you to do after you finish it so you will always be busy. In some areas the game falls short but if you truly like the concept of the game you will not be bothered by things like the story and the dialogoue. If you don't like how the game looks, then don't get it because that's just how it plays like. Everyone else will love it, and get lots of enjoyement, one way or another. Not for everyone, but certainly for most.