Square-Enix's opus to RPG's of the '90s. Fans of old school RPG's need to check this one out!

User Rating: 9.3 | Dragon Quest VIII: Sora to Umi to Daichi to Norowareshi Himegimi PS2
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King is a great game that will make anybody who is a fan of early RPGs, old school video game storytelling conventions, or simple battle mechanics grin with delight. Anybody who likes old, SNES era RPGs needs to try this game! It has everything you would expect from said genre: a silent, yet likeable hero; an enjoyable cast of supporting characters; challenging boss battles and random encounters; colorful graphics that paint the environment with beautifully vibrant hues that create the perfect setting for the game, and, let us not forget, and simply, yet engaging, involving but not convoluted plot that has its share of twists, but doesnt go anywhere out of the norm either.

HIGH POINTS: Graphics. This game is easily the most beautiful looking game to use cel-shaded graphics. The environments are gorgeous, yet realistic (to a degree), and the world looks vast and imaginative, like it was painted directily out of one of your favorite storybook tales from your youth. Very well done. The character designs are also top-notch. The designs lend well to each characters personality (especially Yangus...that guy cracks me up) and the characters themselves are engaging and well-done.
Sound. The music is really well done. I liked all of the songs in the game, especially the world map music. Every tune fits the situation perfectly, and accompanies each situation you encounter very well. My only beef with the music is that the tracks are limited, so you will hear them quite a bit during your travels...and they will get OLD. Voicework. Very good. They all; sound European, but I actually think that the accents add to the story and environment of the game. Well done. Gameplay. I could go on forever about the old school elements that make this game charming...but you could read that in any other review about this game. So I will just mention a couple other things that I liked...I enjoyed the several different mini-games packed into the package, such as the monster arena and the casinos. I also liked the vast world that you could traverse. It really makes you feel like you are in a fantasy world...and any game that can create that feeling is a good game.
Finally, main antagonist of the game, Rhaptorne, is a very cool enemy. I liked how his staff had a sort of Lord of the Rings effect ot it where anyone who picked it up gained his powers but also begin losing control of themselves...hoepfully not too much of a spoiler...Also, the challenge of the game is pretty steep. Though some will hate this fact, I embrace it. I like a challenging game that gives me a since of accomplishment for defeating it. Games have become too easy (especially the Final Fantasy series...sorry, its true, but you know i still love ya!), so I like to get challenged like i did back in the day. It's a good thing. Now then, on to the...

LOW POINTS: Well, this game is great, but it does have it low points as well. First, the random battles, as old school as they are, get VERY OLD. I understand that, due to the challenging nature of the game, they are necessary to build your levels, but they come at such a high rate, its hard not to get frustrated with them. Next, the battle system, though upgraded, is still terribly old school. THis is good in the fact that I enjoy remembering games like this and how fun they where at the tiem, but it also sucks because battle systems have come so far that this game's battle systems eventually comes off as feeling dated. Sure, the Psyche up ability is a nice addition, but past that....pretty standard. Music repitition...yikes. Read above.

THE SCOOP: Outstanding game. THe pros definitely outweigh the cons on this one. IF you have the patience or desire to begin a long journey into a colorful world full of engaging characters, mystical intrigue, old school charm and challenging battles, this game is a MUST BUY. However, if you like easier RPG's, or if your are fairly new to the role-playing genre, you may miss this game's appeal and find yourself wondering what all the hype is about. However, I must recommend this game even to the newbies, but only if you are willing to try something different. If you are, you will most likely enjoy this classic.