For an old-school Game Boy RPG, this game will surprise you.
The gameplay is really old school. You see the enemy(s) on the screen and you either pick magic or attack or whatever. As simple as the concept of battleing is, the actual battles are hard. Some battle take alot of thinking and planning and could take you quite a while. The graphics, for a GB game are pretty solid. Alot of the enemies and monsters look really cool and well put together. Out of battles it looks pretty good. Quite a bit of detail in things. The sound, I think is pretty good. Although there are only a few different songs, it doesn't seem to get repetitive. I can still remember the songs. Every once in a while, I'll play the game whenever I have the craving for a good RPG. Overall, like I said, it's a fantastic RPG, one of the best GB games and if you get the opertunity to get your hands on it, you definetly should.