Well I just got Dragon Warrior Monsters for the Game boy color. And it is not very good. It sucks. It is not as good even as Pokemon Puzzle Challenge. Well Dragon Warrior monsters to me looks like a missed opportunity by Nintendo. They could have made a konami hits type of game or package on a CD for the Gamecube. With azure dreams, for the playstations, Rocket Knight Adventures, and Contra Hard Corps for the Sega Genesis. (Or as Obama would say, Contra Hard Corpse.) But of course Nintendo didn't do that. So Dragon Warrior Monsters to me looks like the Gameboy color lost the magic. Certain parts of the game look cool. However I don't like the people you see in the town. They do the same bullying, bogarting just stand in your way as Pokemon. And the only two role playing games that I notice this in that it bothers me is Dragon Warrior Monsters and Pokémon. It almost seems like Dragon Warrior is emulating pokemon with it. The graphics in Dragon Warrior Monsters is good. Better than Pokémon. But I will take a hit or notchdown in graphics for a better game.
I don't get how in the game when you collect monsters (monsters instead of pokemon, same darn thing) and you drop the monsters off at the farm, you wonder where in the %@! did your monsters go? You are led to believe that you would just see them at the farm grazing or standing around or something. But Pulio that farm hand, John Gotti wannabee has them. I guess the monsters are actually bitcoin or something. Like cryptocurrency. They are crypto monsters. So it's like certain things that you would think would be cool and fun about this game, from how you are led on just don't happen. It almost seems like overnight Pokemon stole the magic away from Dragon Warrior or the magic of Dragon Warrior split up and split off and went to pokemon. And also split off and went to Guadia Quest. Guadia Quest, even that short truncated game that we got to play on the retro games for the Nintendo DS is so much better than this. So much better than dragon warrior monsters. And you wonder why that is. On paper there really shouldn't be that much of an advantage. Graphics about the same. Gameplay about the same. Dragon Warrior monsters looks like a case of the magic is gone. And in some ways it is a facsimile of pokemon. Even down to fighting the trainers. Which I hate in this game, because you always have to talk to those town dumb annoying girls in the trainer arena, just to register. It kind of reminds me of that weird dream I had a year ago about how people will ask you for a sample of your blood just so that you can see a movie at a movie theatre. Also what annoys me about this game is the name of the town. And really the only town you see is called GreatTree. Really? They couldn't have come up with something better? And right after I got off on my Anti-pagan rant on the internet. You come and get a game and the first town you see is as pagan as it gets. GreatTree. Gaia, pagan earth tree worship. Whatever. Not my cup of tea. Should be great Dagon. Or great Uber Car.
The game Dragon Warrior Monsters is similar to Pokémon. Breeding monsters you get is as addicting as collecting pokemon. The graphics in Dragon Warrior Monsters is better than pokemon. The gameplay though is not as good as pokemon. And you start to notice that. So long and farewell my good friend dragon warrior. I also notice that some company I have never heard of made a game called Babe for the Gameboy color. The game sucks bad. But the graphics and music in Babe are better than Dragon Warrior Monsters! I played the game Babe and I must say that the sound or music in the game is very upbeat and it beats Dragon Warrior Monsters. And the graphics are good. The crave logo at the beginning when you turn the game on is probably the best thing about the game. The game Babe itself sucks though. It is unplayable. But it shows you how some small certain things shine through. And how the Japanese games aren't just automatically better. Look at the music, the logo, and even the graphics of Babe and compare it to Dragon Warrior Monsters or Pokemon. Their graphics and music sound lazy and uninspired in comparison. I really wish that American made games could have stolen the thunder during the game boy color era.