solid multiplayer game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Dragon's Crown PS3
I am not a fan of 2d stroller/ hack and slash these days. This game was one of a game at my friend game night that i wanted to play it. There was 4 of us playing this on a single screen. You would image what happens when 4 newbies play this game, it was a lot of guys wanting to go their own ways, some hitting city menu one too many times. To except a task/quest every single player has to go to their city menu dialogue to except. Same as with leveling up. So in multiplayer there is a lot of stalling when in the city. battle is fine, just like any other games when you have bunch of players on a screen, you loose track sometimes, but it was all good. Plays like 2d fighter darkstalker, BlazBlue, and more sophisticated castle crasher fighting games too me.

While the artwork is nice, like playing through a cartoon. We laugh at the female characters proportion. Brings back memory of Altered Beast 2d days. I can't say anything was too innovated that I saw in a few hours we played. Overall a fun game to play with friends, not too hard, or innovated.