I had originally played dragons dogma a few years ago but never really got into it and ended up trading it in.. Well I have just completed the original game annd dark arisen and Im kindof reluctant to stop playing. The game can be incredibly fun at times while at others can be boring and frustrating from backtracking and doing quests that are in the same regions but garsh I loved this game. The new version of dark arisen even though made small improvements such as portcrystals and easily available ferrystones greatly enhanced the orginal game. My original build I played as was a fighter and just messed with warrior class and magic archer until sticking with assassin throughout the quite difficult although manageable difficult of bitterblack. i went in at around level 62. The combat and depth of the stats and items you can find are where this game really stands out for me. It also feels as though there are loads of secrets buried within the game as well. The combinations you can acheive from the different classes make the games longevity even longer then the 60 plus hours Ive played so far. The games graphics do have a kindof washed out look to them but I think it adds to the charm of the game although the popins of characters is kindof annoying. The landscapes are beautiful from overhanging cliffs, beaches, to mountainous swamps and forests. The creatures look absolutely frickin awesome and the giant beasts are a ton of fun to do battle with.. The ur dragon might be one of the coolest battles I had done in a game in a long time. The sound effects and music are all well done although yes the pawns repeating themselves does get annoying. If you didn't play dragons dogma now is the chance to play it with dark arisen.. It does have its flaws but the game is so addicting and fun I was constantly loading it up just to get a little more done. yesssssss