Like many RPG in the last 7 years this game is choke full with filler moments, from crafting and scouring the place for materials to cutscenes that let you incapable to control the avatar and THE BANE of enemies disguised as damage sponges. Bosses have 3 HP bars in Gransys and 6 in Dark Arisen, not to mention superior mobility and near instant casting times like Daimon, for example, the main ``villain`` in the DLC. Another troubled soul, a trademark for bad guys this days, is Grigori, who have one of the cheesiest Final Battle in history. I miss the time where enemies, no matter their level or strength, were true ``evil``, not cry babies. The second problem of DD-DA is not the outdated graphic, strange story or stupid AI for pawns, but the lack of options. I hope a second game will be more fluid, I will not have to grind for better gear and be able to make my own conclusion - games should be about freedom!
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