A solid Action RPG and you can climb a dragon!

User Rating: 9 | Dragon's Dogma PS3

The game was a fun action rpg game that had some of the best mechanics in any action rpg game. The diversity of classes and the ability to combine them together gives you a plethora of different ways to play the game. The open world is great and the fact that there is a night and day cycle where certain creatures come out during certain parts of the day made me feel like I was in the world. Also the idea of adding other players pawns is a great concept, but I did wish I could play with people online directly rather than getting their AI controlled character. The two issues I have with this game is the ok story which never stopped me from playing but I did wish the story was better. Also the fact that romance system could have been explained better because I romanced someone not knowing that I could, but maybe I overlooked that in the manual or in-game. If you are looking for an action rpg with an amazing story than look elsewhere, but if you want to play an open world game with an amazing game play system then pick this up because you will enjoy climbing a dragon while it flies as you stab at it.