User Rating: 8 | Dragon's Dogma PS3
The story, characters and quests are about as interesting as porridge.

All the effort that's gone into the combat and character development has left other elements of Dragon's Dogma feeling unfinished.


It's a strange game, Dragon's Dogma; it does some really brave and interesting things, but it also feels unfinished, with technical problems that often spoil things. The combat, though, is one of the best real-time RPG fighting systems around, with flexibility and variety that carries the whole game. It deserves to be complemented by an absorbing fantasy world and an array of well-written quests and characters, but instead the quests get repetitive and the fiction is soporific. Dragon's Dogma has the scale and challenge of a great action RPG, but not the character or polish. Nonetheless, if you can persist, there's a lot to love here, and some great ideas that make you want to give it a chance.