This game will surely keep you entertained for awhile

User Rating: 9 | Dragon's Dogma X360
I have always felt that games now adays were starting to get rather dull, they had campaigns which could be completed in 3-5 hours with ease and even a few RPGs (Skyrim for example) only had me entertained for a few days, but this game has amazed me at how good it is.

To start with this game has no multiple game saves, that means if you make a huge mistake you have to go back to an inn or the last time you saved by yourself, whilst it can be annoying saving over and over again I found this feature extremely fun because it meant you have to stick with your choices, no turning back if you will, it also has no quick travel, they do have a feature however which involves using a stone to teleport to either the Capital or a single place of your choosing which you have previously put a marker down at, and this enjoyed me because the map wasn't overly large but it meant you had to fight your way through alot of things, if the map size was Skyrims I would have found this feature annoying but I think it was perfect for the map size they had.

There is also alot of big monsters (Griffins, Dragons, Ogres, Chimera to name a few) which add alot of mixture into the game, one minute you could be bashing a few goblin heads in and the next you are facing up at a huge Ogre. Because of these big monsters the game has a 'climbing' feature in which you can grab onto something and climb your way up, this can help out alot against monsters like Ogres because if you climb to the head you obviously inflict more damage, but the monsters do shake you off after awhile.

I also liked how you can change your classes. I started off as a swordsman but after a few battles I decided that wasn't for me so I easily changed over to a Archer and continued with my game, you can also change your main pawns class (vocation) as to make sure you use them in the best way possible.

There is also a very neat 'pawn' system which is basically enlisting the aid of other gamers creations and have them team up with you in your journey, you have a wide selection of pawns too as all of the players have their pawn available to you (except some that make it private only), I feel that this Pawn system made of for the lack of skill evolving that there was in games like Skyrim too.

Boss fights are also a very good feature in the game, I wont spoil it too much for you but the final boss fight FEELS like a boss fight should, its not just attack attack attack until the monster falls.

There was a few downsides with this game however such as quests which couldn't be repeated unless you played through again because you didn't notice them the first time around and most side-quests are things like "Kill 10 bandits" which felt lazy but overall the entire game is very fun to play, I will be playing this game again too because I played through as an Archer which made me feel like I didn't get to fully explore the games combat seeing as I could fire arrows and slowly move backwards out of danger.

If you have played the demo you would have realised the game wasn't that fun, but I'm saying that the demo doesn't fair well for this game, the full version is so much more better, defiantly one of the best RPG games I've brought and well worth the money