Drakan, one of the best games i played!

User Rating: 8.9 | Drakan: Order of the Flame PC
This game realy is good! i almost get's that feeling like playing a zelda game. you know when you never wants to stop before you've completed the whole game. This game has much of that i see in "the ultimate game" and even with some quite seirous issues it's realy realy good! actually i loved this game from the beginning and throughout the whole game. well.. i got stuck twice and didn't know where to go and it took a while to figure out. but hey, sometimes it's fun to see that a game has a challange at all. like the difficulty level... hard... blah! if you just runt left around your enemy and hit it as much as you can, you soon realize almost any enemy is quite easy. and if you use the same function often you're almost invincible. i finished the game with tons of potions, arrows and weapons i could have used instead of playing like a chicken with the saves.

well.. i strongly recomend you to play this game even if it's a bit old. most of the old games got a real "soul". and that's quite hard to find in a new game... the only publishers i feel that i can trust is Nintendo and Blizzard (except from world of warcaft, wich i find extreamly boring)

well.. that's it. oh. i forgot something: WHY DIDN'T THE OTHER DRAKAN ARRIVE AT PC?!