Beautiful, amazing game. One of the best for PC I've ever played. Easily a 10 out of 10.
The story line is pretty good but there are similar stories, where as Rynn, the character who you play as, loses her village, now looking for her brother and makes a contract with a dragon named Arokh who you ride on and can control aswell.
The graphics were pretty good for it's time. Many of the places are beautifully designed and just nice to look at. When it comes to the combat, it's pretty basic. You just need to know several buttons on the keyboard and use the mouse to attack them. It is gory but compared to these days, not so much. You can hack off limbs from your enemies if you hit them right, or burn them into tiny little pieces. You can do flips too, and some enemies can be quite hard to kill. The weapons you normally find are swords, axes, maces, bows and arrows to just list a few, and the good ones you need to keep your eyes open for because you can miss them. The game will continue, whether you have them or not. You also need to watch how many times you use your weapons because they can actually break, aside from a selected few.
Characters I love, Rynn, being adventurous and daring, while Arokh is a bit of a grump, but good hearted.
The music is beautiful. I love every song on that game. It's suites it perfectly.
Along with all that, I would say the only bad thing about this game that I was disappointed in was the ending. It could have been a lot better. But, without counting the ending, it's just a fantastic game. If you ever see it for sale, I would recommend getting it. And a big thank you for reading this review. Hopefully it was some help to you. :)