Enter the matrix was a good game. Drake of the 99 Dragons has to be the dumbest idea ever! Like what a terrible name title, what were they thinking?
What's that_the voice acting is awful during cut-scene speaking of. What's that the cut-scenes are unfinished & had frame-rates! What's that the game is glitchy & choppy! Well BAD Luck pal!
Wow the graphics are painful & this is not what an Xbox game should look like? Why would it need ps2 graphics on this broken game? It could of been hd & detailed, but no! Even the fluttering 2D coat of the main character only adds insult to injury.
As for the game-play... Well blows! The controls is worst than grabbed by the ghoules, the camera hurts, the tutorial would be uncleared & shooting is how you make it bad? All you do is shoot anywhere & that's stupid! (hooray you now had the gift of shooting stupidly) It's not even awesome like say enter the matrix shooting or max payne shooting. Did i mention the animation of drake shooting anywhere & reloading is flat-out stupid to laugh at!
Lame sound effects, voice & music it's only that.
Drake of the 99 dragons is a good idea that went horribly astray and ended up disastrous. There's no need to rent, purchase or entertain the thought of playing this one. It would be nice to see somebody develop a game with a character that can fire two weapons independently but then again maybe there's a reason why nobody's done it yet.
Stick with Enter the matrix or max payne. This game don't buy it & don't ever start playing and you'll get a ton of lasting appeal.