" Can words explain this?"

User Rating: 1 | Drake of the 99 Dragons XBOX
I decided to go and rent this game for **** and giggles. I heard about how bad it was and thought it would be funny to try it out. Low and behold. The absolute worst piece of crap to ever grace the xbox This game is wrong on just about every level imaginable. How can i explain this disaster?
Sound=Just about crap
Duel Wielding= Not used Properly! These guys should play halo 2 to find out how duel wielding should be. The camera flies and whoops around in all sorts of direction. Unless you stand perfectly still, you will get dizzy from the swimging it has to do. The story isnt even worth mentioning. The sound design could have been worse, altough by no means is that a compliment. Why bother playing this game? Because you need to see how terribly bad it is! You cant even play through it all because of the damn camera and stupid Ai!