It's defenitly a great game that i wish i would have heard about earlier
The gameplay was hard at times and easy, there was some battles i burned every potion in my invnitory and others i got through with everything intact. Bosses were the same same with dragon battles.
But the only thing I'm nit-picky about was the super fast enemies that rip through you like tissue paper you know those upsidedown pink octopus things, but that might be my poor flying skills.
The ground battles were perfect for my type of fighting style and i liked bombarded every five seconds as long as i had full health and potions to burn.
The bosses were a pain but what boss isn't my least favorite of all of them was the gay gnome guy Yaha but Hanch comes in a close second.
All I can say is beautiful like Advent Children bueatiful well at least during most of the fmvs.
But the one thing I noticed was the use of pictures during some of the scenes where the characters talked and that gave it a story feel to it like I was reading a book which was interesting.
The levels were huge to put it simple some seemed to stretch on forever, Legna and Nowe's home was a good example of that.
As for frame rate gamespot must have a crappy overused system cause it only slowed down once that I could see when I used Manah's ice spell at the highest level.
Probably one of few good unique game stories out there. I know I remember thinking I had it striaght then something else would get thrown in to make me think harder.
A story with tons of back stories and twists to get just about anyone lost but then towards the end all the twists and turns come together and everything makes sense.
I appericate this probably more then anyone cause I have a story that is similar though based in the future it has the same basic idea tons of back stories a plenety of twists and turns.
Also i noticed that one of the mian charcters dies that is something not comon in most games and i was happy and sad to see, happy because this is not common and i'm suprised to see because it's like a real fight villians die and heroes die each giving their lives for something like a real conflict. So i say way to go and make a game true to life thank you for that.
Basiclly it was an amazing game with alot of depth and will defenitly be one of my top favs.
The only things bad were camara but that sucks on all games.
And those pink octotpus things.