If you play Drakengard, and like it you will buy this game
I know the problem is very boredafter some hours because is the same one and anothers time and the time is a problem because you can't search all the areas relax.
-The innovation a few on the gameplay, the moves and the levels, and the finals (if I am not wrong are 3)
-The music is excelent but the game is too long for that the music will be bored some time later, the sound effects are according with the game.
-The time you will be spend is a lot of time, for that is better if you like these type of games (on my case I am a fan of devil kings and this kind opf games)
-Gameplay is one and other time the same thing, but if you like kill kill and let think ohhh yes KILL is perfect.
My opinion if you will buy this game is because you like, the fights and games like Dinasty Warrior, Devil kings, Genji, and this type, but if you play the last Drakengard have a good idea that what game you will be find on this tittle.
But if you are a normal Videogame player rent first.