Gamespot's not right about everything.
Both areas of gameplay provide plenty of challenge without being impossible. One also has access to plenty of extras to help along the way such as powders for health and magic, accessories that aid in offense as well as defense, upgradeable weapons and character level-ups. It's an action adventure that feels like an RPG. As a notorious impatient loser at the Final Fantasy games (never fought enough side battles, stayed too focused on the stuff that moved the story along and would of course, alas, get stuck with no other recourse but to start over and try to level up more) I appreciate this because it makes me feel like a good RPG player even though I know I'm not.
A side-note - playing this game makes me curious about the original, which received the same 7.0 rating. Thus far, I have not noticed any of the "convoluted" story problems some other players have reported but I'm not even half way through yet. The game would still be addictive even without the enthralling story that it does indeed have.
Another point on which I disagree is about the graphics. Gamespot reviewed them as dated. I think they look amazing and, though a little over-dramatic at times, the voice acting is good.
It's a terrific game from gameplay to graphics, sound to story. And at no more than $20, it's hard to pass up this beautiful and immersive experience. It's not to be missed.