I had so big hopes for this game, and it without doubt let me down...
It could have been so much, much better if they just did it in some more interesting way...
Gameplay: The gameplay in this game is basically just hack and slash. Its not very variable, and on some missions you end up slaughtering thousands and thousands of soldiers, when they on the next mission reincarnate so you have to slaughter them again. The thing that really let me down in this game was the story. I thought it would be a great story, since its the developers of the FF series who did this. The story is though not very good, and it doesnt do so much impact on you as the final fantasy games. The only thing that makes this game a bit fun is the dragon. After the first mission you find a dragon who you then share your soul with (or something like that) and after that you can call on it on almost every mission, and fight sitting on it. There are in total 4 dragon evolution stages that you can fight with in aerial and ground missions.
Graphics: The graphics are not very good at all. The landscape is dead and desolate on most maps, and there are no grass or anything. Only flat ground. The character(s) you play are fairly detailed but the enemies are quiet poorly detailed. There arent so many different enemies, maeby 30-40, and thats included that every enemy has 3 forms, grey (normal), red (immune to magic) and black (strong as hell).
Sound: The sound of the hacking and slashing (wich is the most thing you hear during the game) is fairly belivable. The dragon sounds pretty good and the blocking and so on is quiet realistic. Nothing to really complain about.
Summary: This game has a really good idea, but the lack of variation and the desolate landscapes makes this game worse than it could have been.
If you dont feel like you absolutely must have this game i wouldent reccomend you to buy it. I got boored after about 10 hrs of gameplay.