Cliches,and not enough incentive to keep going....Time to whip out the snacks and find some drying paint...
Sad to say,the gaming experience was pretty disappoitning. Lets start off with the good points shall we?
First of all,the graphics werent great. Character detail was fantastic,I thought that they really got that down. Fingers,fingernails,even toes had detail,which hasnt been matched by a game yet. (the feet I mean)
Ok,after 10 minutes of thinking,the character detail is the ONLY good thing I could think of (my goodness) so lets move on to the bad...
For those who have played NWN2,you'll notice that Drakensang kinda copied it in most parts. The way you communicate with party members,the way your party is assembled and the whole "charming the opposite sex" thing as well.
Yeah,those sucked. They didnt get any of those right. Communicating with party members was downright boring,and the whole charming this was ridiculous. It wasnt used enough,and when you could use it,it wasnt satisfying to do so! Plus,in the character creation,only a select few characters could be charming,which could hamper your decision on which character to choose. However,15-20 minutes into the game,when you go to the city,you can just get into the thieves guild and LEARN the skill ANYWAY!
Also,the way the men ran was cool....THE WAY THE WOMEN RAN WAS WEIRD! I could never play long with a female character because the way she moved just killed me. That,and they had ridiculously long legs....
Ok,so then theres combat! It wasnt bad,it was just like NWN2 combat. Here's the only problem I had though...Killing that giant rat in the cellar,"Rat Queen Ratzilla" or whatever,was actually harder than killing the final boss,which really pissed me off. A rat,was stronger than some tentacle snake woman thing!
And the story is just a mixture of cliches,boredom,and periods in the game in which you take a break from playing,go fix yourself a snack,and go watch paint dry,and find yourself saying "Now this is entertainment!" The only thing which might spur you on to finish the game,is possibly to see if you can continue playing with your character once the game is finished. Like Oblivion or something. That doesnt happen. After a particularly disappointing climax,the hero stares into the sky and the game ends.
I tried to kill myself after playing this game,but thats just me. The thing is,it doesnt get a whole lot right,but it doesnt get a whole lot wrong either. Other than the things I mentioned,it does everything else ok,which ensures that you dont notice exactly how boring and disappointing the game is until you've finished it and realised how much of your life has been wasted. It has no replay value. But,you might enjoy it the first time around.
My advice,if you like RPGs,make sure you have nothing else to play before trying this. You will enjoy it until the final hour or so. I was going to give the game a 7.5 before I finished it.
Anyway,if you're going to play the game,enjoy it. If at the end you feel the same way as I did,well,I toldya so! Enjoy.