The graphics are nice (ok), but the story is really boring!
Let's begin with the good part, the graphics are nice; NOT great, but more than OK ... that is except for a few details, like the menus, all of them, the main ones and the information menus in the game, all are 5 years behind the rest of the game's graphics.
Now for the bad ( that was short...); the problems are countless, but some of them will soon make you give up on the game altogether.
For starters, the characters you meet are annoyingly inclined to make most of the conversation with exaggerated gesticulation and all the dialogues seem to follow a boring pattern.
The you get hit by a clumsy camera control, especially in small spaces, like caves, tunnels, ... and that's exactly where you'd like to have a better grip on things;
And I saved the "best" for last: it's just plain boring; after a few mission you get that "waist of life" feeling and regret not having read a book instead !
All that being said, I gave it a 7.5 to begin with but I soon downgraded it to a 6.0, which I still think may be too much; but let's not be so harsh, because the games of this kind seam to be a dying species ... at least the good ones (innovative) are certainly dead & buried!