Snail pased questing and frustratingly slow interface ruin this beautifull RPG.
Characters look great with lots of detail, however the animations need some work, especially the exagerated and repetative dialogue emotions.
The worst aspect of this game is the Interace and combat system, talking and interacting with NPC's is both slow and frustrating. This is mainly due to the overy cumbersome and awkward camera and controls used for interacting ... often you will find yourself clicking on yourself or party members instead of the NPC or item you wanted to interact with.
The combat and looting system is outrageous, targeting enemies is not signified in any way, most of the time you're not sure which creature you are attacking and worse so using your action bar is tediously slow, most of the time you stand there for 10 seconds wondering of your selected attack is actually going to happen, so you press it again and it cancels it and you're back to sqaure one.
Sometimes it will work perfectly in succession and sometimes its a big mess and you loose track of what ability has been triggered, a simple way to fix this would be Cooldown timers on the actual action bar to express wether the skill has been executed and how long until it will be ready again.
With the learning of special talents like "Animal Lore" which lets you try to disembowl an animal after you have killed it to harvest parts of thier bodies for ingredients and crafting materials it adds more depth to the game but also doing this will take so much time, first you have to wait for the loot screen where you loot the animal initially then a seperate animation which is 3 times as long to try and harvest add to this the clunky UI you have to deal with, most of the time clicking on yourself or party members its incredibly slow and painfull which is sad because its a great ability.
The flawed UI is mainly due to the excessive and long animations on every action you do and while questing you have to do this over and over, its rediculously slow and monotenous.
The other drawback to this game is you Cannot "Jump" and are very restricted to the paths you can take to enter new area's, it only takes a peice of wood 2 inches high to obstruct you and you cannot pass through.
Also you cannot enter water or streams and often have to walk miles around when the stream of water is only 5 feet across, which is very dissapointing as the water looks amazing.
Animations while running or at idle are not very well done, although some of the casting spell animations are quite cool and the visuals are sometimes very pleasing to watch.
To sum it up, its a lovely looking game whith lots of content, but Combat system and interface are severely flawed for a RPG not fluent at all, also the lack of pathfinding is a big dissapoinment, another game that fits into the "Could have been great" category for me.