Without a doubt, the wierdest game I have ever played!
That is a major complaint with this game. You have to save alot because you will get alot of encounters that are impossible and result in your death unless you try to run away as quickly as possible. Oh god, and the first time the shark attacked a party member on the bridge going into the castle.... I thought I was going to have a heart attack!
That said, Drakkhen is not a completely terrible game. It is not the worst game I have ever played. In fact, in some ways, Drakkhen seemed ahead of its time. It was a pretty open ended game and you could wear different weapons and equipment that changed your physical appearance (a fairly radical concept in those days) Also, I remember trying to figure out the puzzles and advance the story left you with a real sense of accomplishment once you actually figured it out. You could customize the stats of your characters at the start of the game and control how they fought in battle to a very limited degree (still a radical concept in those days). Overall, yes, I am one of those insane people that played Drakkhen to its conclusion. It was interesting experience I will say that much.