Playing this game is like eating a fart sandwich.
Drakkhen is almost entirely unplayable. I'm not sure what the developers of the game were thinking while they designed it's interface & gameplay, but I'm going to assume they were too busy being sodomized by Satan to pay close enough attention to how well they were doing. The sound is generic, the graphics are actually pretty decent, but they still suck. (My reviews are drinking games; you take a shot for every contradiction you read) Everything about this game sucks pretty hard. That's why I gave it a 3.5. If you want a decent analogy of how this game is, here you go...
Remeber Tara Reid? You know, that one actress who was in one good film? Alright. Take every movie she's ever done besides American Pie, blend them together with tuna, feed it to my cat, have her $@ it out all at once, and stick it into your SNES. Now turn it on. That's how playable this game is. I'm not sure why they tried this $&%$ed up First-Person interface, it's really bizzare. That's about what ruins it. br />