While the drawing aspect is really cool, the game is too easy and ends way to fast.
The controls are straight-forward. You move with the control pad, jump with the a button, and shoot projectiles with b. Maybe a little too simplistic.
The story, like much of the game, is filled with cutesy characters. It's long however, and you can never skip through it, which is pretty lame.
The game is fun, but it has one major issue that brings down the whole game. It is far too easy. I recently brought it and beat it in about 3 days. The great simplicity will make hardcore gamers rip their hair out! Many will say it's not for veteran gamers, and they are right.
Check your budget. $30 may sound cheap, but the game is so short, your best bet is to rent it or buy it used. If you are looking to release your inner artist though, this game has you covered.