Very creative design your own type of game. Basically a platformer but with a fun twist.
Drawn to Life as a basic platformer is above average with some pretty easy parts but also with it's share of challanges. The boss at the end of the the second 'door' world is quiet difficult and presents multiple challanges.
Where this game really shines is in the design mode. Being able to draw your own pieces on each world is quiet amazing. You can simply just fill in the area with color if you want to do a fast job and play the game or you can take your time and make cool designs for your environment.
There is also some areas of the main town that you design as well giving you a true hand in how the game shapes up, granted the towns folk will like your designs no matter how unique or ugly you make them.
Overall the game brings enough to the table to keep me coming back to play more. Definatly worth the price of admission.