A game with so much potential....dragged down by so many things.
The graphics in this game for the most part are pretty good. Now I'm a person who doesn't say graphics are all that important but you know what these are pretty nice and if you're a good artist and you enjoy drawing you'll enjoy drawing. However sometimes the areas that are already in the game look as boring as a child's coloring book. A child with no imagination at that. The beach area and the snow area look nice though. The "Raposa" are pretty much some odd rabbit things(I'm fully aware it means "fox" in Portuguese"). There is one character that is human though....just one problem he looks exactly the same as the "Raposa"! He has slightly smaller ears. That's it....oh and he wears a shirt that he most likely bought from Hot Topic.
Graphics get a score of 5/10
The music is actually pretty good. Some of the songs are pretty good and fit the situation they play in. Now let's get one thing straight, reviews are opinions and nothing more. So don't get angry at me for saying this. The ending theme is laughable. A vocal track....alright Still Alive and many other songs were good. This one is just laughable. The lyrics are cheesy the vocalist is annoying. I understand that she's supposed to be upset but if this is supposed to make you cry than they failed with that. The sound effects are generic and annoying. One thing that I want to focus on is the talking. Now of course there is a text box but do they actually have to talk? It's not talking it's more like in "The Sims" or hearing Midna talk. Why does this always have to appear? Why do I have to hear someone mumble gibberish? It doesn't make sense. The enemies when you hit them make this repulsive sound like they're about to vomit. It gets annoying after a while and after you hear it so many times you kind of just block it out.
Alright the meat of every game.
First I'll start off with the game's main gimmick. The drawing. While it seems like it will be fun a first it gets old fairly quickly. Now don't get me wrong I love drawing and I'll do it whenever I can but generally my drawings aren't restricted by blue boxes. Now I can understand making restrictions so somebody doesn't make the character take up the whole screen but why can't they're be different outlines. What if I want to make a donut that fights? Well too bad you have to make it have a humanish design. Is that nitpicking? Yes. Is this a review? Yes. Do the two go together? You bet. Now onto another thing wouldn't it be so cool if you made a platform a cloud and when you jumped into the cloud you started to sink and then you had to act fast? Well if you did that it would act like a normal platform. How lame. So in a whole the drawing mechanic is nothing more than a gimmick that gets old very fast with all the limits and such.
The game itself is like a big linear maze with one branching path per level that ends after a couple of seconds. You have to collect three pages from the "Book of Life" (more on that later.) and then well that's pretty much it. Repeat. You also collect villagers, some mandatory and some aren't. One thing I hate about the levels are enemies. There is almost no enemies after the first world. We have Shadow Bats,Shadow Humans, Some other shadow stuff, these weird things in tubes that you belong in a pool and some other stuff. Over the course of the game these enemies repeat themselves. The bosses are the best part about the game play and they aren't even all that fun. I believe in the saying "If the record isn't broke, don't try to fix it" which is what this game does with the bosses but they are just so boring. The tree boss is one of the worst of the 5. I'll explain that in this upcoming paragraph.
The jumping from platform to platform isn't all that annoying in this game. Most of the time you'll make it but other times you fall right through. You'll fall for no reason too. You'll have made it to the middle of the platform (or VERY slightly away from the middle) and you'll fall through. It defies all logic especially when you do that same kind of jump on another platform and you make it. This is a huge problem during that tree boss. Another problem is getting knocked of the tiny platforms by regenerating shadow bats. Infinitely spawning enemies aren't a problem but enemies that respawn are. Especially when they gang up on you killing you. So right there you have two flaws that really hinder the already boring and repetitive game play and you've got yourself a bad game. I haven't gotten to the worst part of this game. The hit detection is completely off. Hitting an enemy by jumping on them isn't all that hard but using the sword....well let's just say you'd be better off without it....It's impossible to hit somebody with it. The 3rd boss is what made me realize just how bad the hit detection was. He's huge but so is the area you fight him in. I don't remember getting attacked by him so I guess he was attacking me from the other side of the screen which I wasn't even near. Another thing is that it's really short which could be taken as a good thing. Oh but this game is a waste of the three maybe four hours it will take you to beat it.
So the gameplay has these following things against it
- Boring Goal for every level
- Uninspired level design
- Gimmick that gets old very fast
- Poor Hit Detection
- Re-spawning enemies (not much of a flaw but still annoying)
- The game decided when you should make the jump
- Short
So let's see how it fares (in order of importance)
Graphics- 5/10
Overall I give it a letter grade of a D-
For a number grade it gets a 1.5