User Rating: 7.1 | Dreamfall: The Longest Journey PC
When I first got this game, the first thing I noticed was a terrible control(I played on a PC). It took me a good 30 min or so to get used to it, and I'm still not 100% on it, but that's fine... It's not like the contol really matters in an adventure game anyways. What matters is the story, right? And the good news is that dreamfall delivers an interesting story with a constantly moving plot. The problem is that I never played the original "The Longest Journey" and while that didn't completely stop me from understanding the plot, it did make me feel kind of left out. Also the game is not challenging... AT ALL. I mean it's not like I was expecting an extreamely challenging game or anything, but the puzzles r so easy that it may leave some people thinking.. "Wait... That's it?" Also I'm sure the readers have heard from other reviews that the game leaves you with too many questions. The thing is, this is an understatement. It's like... the plot goes on and on... and then... BAM! It's over and none of the questions raised have been answered. I must say the game really made me very angry at the end. If you choose not to play this game, the truth be told, you're not missing much at all. But if you choose to play this game, expect to play the game that will in the end feel like a long... long... intro chapter (not chapter 1... an intro chapter) of a much bigger story that to be honest, at this rate wont end for another 10 years or so.