Linear adventure, straightfoward , you could say its quite girly but i loved the story anyway.
The graphics are very nice and run quite nicely even on a lowish pc spec, the game is set in the near future with our heroine Zoe living with her father in a nice middle class area, the story starts with her receiving strange messages from televisions from a ghostly girl asking zoe for help and with the disapearance of her ex boyfriend reza ( a reporter ).
Her father has to go away to India for a business trip for awhile, and Zoe with nothing to do sets off to find Reza and on the way uncovers the mystery of the ghostly girl.
I never played the first game The longest Journey but that didnt stop me from enjoying the game and following the storyline.
the best thing about the game is the story, and once its over which isnt too long theres little reason to go back to the game, however i do recommend this game if you want to get lost in a good story for awhile.