One of the deepest stories I have ever seen in a game. And fully enjoyable from beginning to end.
Graphics: At first when I saw the graphics I thought they were next-gen. I was wrong though, it's just really high end (last-gen now). The bump mapping and shader effects on the capes in the game alone are worth specific mention. The places you see, both on Stark and Arcadia, are fabulous to look at and explore. The character models move nicely and look great while doing it, the only real complaint I could have is with the lipsynching, but still this game never fails to look good otherwise. 9/10
Sound: Were to start? The gorgeous soundtrack? The well done sound effects or the wonderful voice acting? Well I'll go in that order. The soundtrack is wonderful, the music fits in with the current place/situation going on throughout the story. The sound effects are lively and make Stark and Arcadia feel alive. And the voice acting is strong, giving the characters true personality. 10
Gameplay: Here is where the game's chink in the armor" is. The game is way too short, and there is no real challenge to it, the puzzles are easy, and the combat is very simplistic and unsatisfying to go through. Other than that however, and the many questions left at the end of the game, the gameplay (when using a game pad at least) controls well. 8
Final Thoughts: The story is fantastic, with characters that I began to care about as the story kept going. And the way it ended made me (I may seem like a wimp for this) want to cry when a few of the things that didn't make sense of Zoe's predicament at the beginning were explained in the ending. This game is more story than game, and a nice change from the "all game and no story" of many of the games today, I give it a high recommendation, and will probably play it again someday.