this game has got to be the most boring game of all time, yet i played till its end .... what a waste of time.
theres none, this game is indeed the worst thing man can do to himself, but it is a wicked present when you think about it.
the story isnt so bad you know, you play along invistegating some sort of big story, following clues and collecting evidence and finding out about conspiracies and thats cool. as i said the storyline isnt so bad on the contrary its the best the game has.
thesedays its hard to say the a game is well made, good graphics and stuff because all recent games are well made and has good graphics but this game has one of the best graphics elements around, if you have played Tomb Raider: Legend you must have noticed the incridible graphics that game had, but still you must have had the strongest machine to see that working, but in this game you dont need a very strong machine to play the game you just need a fair middle-end ... if there anything called that ... to play the game really easy.
the voice acting, hmm.. well, this game has a phenominal voice acting, the actors are really really talented, but you see the game is really boring, so you find yourself watching tons of hours of acting ... so its basicly a very long movie so its a good thing if you dont have a mouse or a keyboard and you just want to see things rather than watching your screen saver.
this game is supposed to be an adventure game ...... where are the puzzles. why do i have to skip all those loads of cinematics, and why is all puzzels soooooo easy to solve and most definitly unchallengable.
i spent many hours playing the game it basicly has three or four kinds of puzzles or things you need to do to move on, but still you need to watch or skip lots of movies or cinamtics or cutscenes or whatever.
ah yeah another thing ... there is some kind of fighting in this game, with swords and it is really really really amazingly weak, stupid and worthless.
if you really hate yourself but or even play the game, if you think so one would want it just give it to them, i shall donate my copy soon.
damn you funcom