A wonderful achievement in storytelling is bogged down by some minor issues that prevented it from being an instant clas
User Rating: 8 | Dreamfall: The Longest Journey PC
To be honest, I am quite dissapointed with Dreamfall. After all the hype surrounding it, Dreamfall to me, was a quite an achievement in storytelling department, but it barely lives up to the brilliance of the Longest Journey, which was a fine masterpiece and an unforgettable adventure game. Graphically, the game is awesome, but has its flaws. Yes, the environments, the inhabitants, both in Stark and Arcadia, is a sight to behold. But when you actually interact with these elements, You'll notice that that the game's graphics are mainly for show only. The characters, despite looking very interesting, lack emotion, especially when they are speaking. Although the dialogues are witty, smart, wonderfully voiced and nicely written, they dont go well with the characters' weak projection of emotion. Of course, there is a bit of lip sync, but it wasn't enough to cloak the the terrible facial expressions.
Take Zoe for example. When she speaks, it looks very robotic, while the eyes show little or no emotion at all, and it looks weird. It looks so plastic! Gameplay wise its just average, nothing really bad about it, and nothing really good either. Hacking, lockpicking, nothing that really stands out. Perhaps what really made want to go on playing this game is it's wonderful storyline and it is one of the best storyline in a video game ever. But ,I was left dissapointed in the cliffhanger ending that left many mysteries and conflicts unsolved. Will there be a sequel? Only time time will tell. Still, Dreamfall is a great adventure game anyone who appreciates a brilliant story should definitely check this one out.