The game is basecally based on storytelling''and solvling puzzles,,, interacting with things,, and press b,,or A,read on
so in that state,, of fact and commitment ,,,the heavyweight is on story-tellings and press a ,,b or c to get forward ,,with puzzles and interaction,,,
therefore the game shall be rated after only that,,this game was not built for anything else,,therefore some things may look weaker,,and should not be rated o nthings like,like,,stealth scenes,,combat action ,,,some graphical glitches,,,some bad running performance,,how the char move etc,,how good some things do not look,bad ai,,bad rreaction of enemies,,,,if it was rated on all this then i ofcourse would have set a lower score ,,,but since i have played the original i knew what i was going to expect,,, game can stutter sometimes and theere are times where the ai or yourself do interact well with the world ,,, --
its like wizard of the oz i think ,,,where it is all about story ,,,some,,dream elments,,some futuristic,,,som realistic and some made up,,
so --beautifl desgined locations and landscapes etc ,,
nice enough graphics,,some shiny graphics here :D ,,
many nice colors and use of them ;) )
puzzles are interesting and somewhat clever ;)
cutscenes are itneresting a enough good,,but not the best ,,
how u control ur char and what u can do i nthis game,,just like the sims (kind of f);o ;p
u meet up with old & new friends ;D ,, u get a deeper look in their yourneys and what has happned in the past and also future,,,its like a laborynt game ;o P,,kinda=) or timetraveler,,future,,present and past,,which is excatly what this game also is ;p ,,,,
many nice locations,, asia,,eurpe etc ;=) and snow=) ,,lol=) ,, u will have t ogo back and forth to the same locations to talk to ppl or figure things out with or without dialogs,,or get items ,,,
it stays on the plot thourghout the whole game,, nice touch =) ,,
u can have a little adventure of your own just by exploring,,many things in this game like locations,,areas,, pplz etc etc;=)
all in all medal worthy,,and well worth a time for ppl who still likes theese kind of game,,
kapiche and gl;)
and me out ;) ! end of log ;p ;)