Boring first person shooter nothing special at all.
The graphics are better than expected. It was my main reason for wanting to play this game. Some weapons like the plasma-type shotguns are pretty nice looking, and going through things in the surroundings like spiderwebs are seamless and look really well done.
This is the part of the game that really lacks in the strategy department. For the most part, you just find a corner where nothing can sneak up on you and shoot. All the monsters will come to you. When you clear out the majority of them in the area, walk around and collect all your powerups and then kill the rest and move on. There's not much strategy in this game. Your forced to either use your flame powers or your lightning powers or, at least for the first few levels, 1 weapon. There's not much of an assortment per level. You're pretty much stuck with whatever the 'client' dreams up.
There isn't one. Your goal is to basically rid the world of mental illness by entering dreams and blowing stuff up.
So this is an original concept when it comes to FPS. As some sort of dream entering shrink, you find people with phobias and blow them up with a series of weapons. I've never seen that in a game before, and after playing it I wish I didn't.
Overall views of the game:
The game has it's good points. Graphics are nice (even though the load times are a little on the slow side). You do get to try a bunch of different weapons (although never the ideal weapon for any given time). When it comes to a good storyline or anything else to make it stand apart from the rest, it comes up short. If you're looking for a sampling of a bunch of different FPS from Zombies to Spiders and locations from Tunnels to Temples to Skyscrapers, then you'll probably like this game. For people who are more true to the genre, there's not much strategy other than standing around waiting for the bad guys to line up for you to shoot them all. If you're interested in what I thought, I got through to the third level and I was already so bored I closed the game and uninstalled it. Totally not worth the price tag!