A cult classic, underrated.

User Rating: 10 | DreamWeb PC
Dreamweb arrived at a time where most adventures were sidescrollers, with elements of (well written) humor for the most.
Well, if you are looking for such an adventure, forget Dreamweb.
With it's serious sci-fi, noir aproach to gaming adventures, Dreamweb provided us more mature, Mickey Spillane meets Arthur C. Clark readers, a breath of fresh air, with its originality, over the head perspective, adult content and semi-elaborate although short script.
Without trying to spoil it all, since I do recomend trying it out for at least one go, I rememeber the shock of killing the first web 'guardian', since it was the first time for me that sex and extreme violence was introduced to in a PC game.
With its brilliant soundtrack, and atmospheric (although dated) gfx, I cant help but to consider this a gem and a cult classic.

WTB dreamweb remake, specially if its in a MMORPG form ;)
