Just another lazily produced movie game.
You're Barry the Bee. You have to visit some locations, and do tasks. You progress through this short game by doing a task after task, you also get rewarded with pollen by completing the tasks. All the tasks don't make you progress, some tasks only reward you with pollen. You have to pay pollen to some guys in the beehive so they let you exercise in their little gym. This increases your speed, strenght, and flying height. Getting stronger, faster, and able to fly higher makes you able to get to new places and do new tasks. That's how you progress. Barry can fly around, dash to attack and get to places faster, and you can change the height you're flying. You can pick up items and drop them, and interact with other bugs or switches. That's all. You can also walk on ground, but only in beehive. This game has got minigames too. In the gym where you can upgrade yourself you must play a minigame so the exercising is successful. If you fail, exercise has not much effect, and the pollen you used is wasted. The minigames become harder and the cost bigger as you get faster, stronger, and become able to fly higher.
The price becomes quite a pricey, and the minigames very hard, so it's easy to fail, and SOME SERIOUS AMOUNT OF POLLEN is wasted! Tasks involve bringing stuff, some crazy competition, or something like that.
This game is actually decent fun, but only decent. Tasks are pretty fun. Controls are good. Minigames are not so fun. Upgrading is fun, but when you fail exercising, it's not fun at all. Overall this game is decent fun as long as it lasts. This game may have been a decent game, but one thing ruins everything: Short lenght, and not much lasting appeal. Well, okay, that was actually two things. Most of the story is simply told to you, and you are let to play only few parts of the story: after you have discovered how are humans getting honey. EVERYTHING after that point is TOLD to you, and then they only let you play the ending, that is just a minigame, that is very hard and frustating.
I was just so disappointed. It was so promising when I started it and everything was going well. But they did something unforgivable. I never actually cleared it, I sold this game ages ago. I'm just writing this rewiev relying to what I remember of the patchetic game. It was lazily done, they clearly didn't spend too much time making it.